Escape from Wizard Prison Party: Escape Room Game, Part 9 END GAME!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

** For all Escape from Wizard Prison party posts, see the Escape from Wizard Prison section of the blog HERE**

During this second round of rooms, we played off of the idea of the time-turner. The players would be revisiting their past events, looking at them from another angle, and solving what they couldn't before. This could be achieved because they found a time-turner... and a blacklight flashlight. 😉

The previous room held the final two clues needed to reach the end game:

One clue card, a RAT.
An eighth and final key that matched the first seven.

Now... as this game progressed, the groups were collecting small keys. Once they received the blacklight, they also noticed that each of these keys had a number on them (1-8).

In the wizard shops, there was a bag with a time-turner on it. This bag was locked with a hasp that had 8 matching locks AND a letter lock. This was the final locked item they had not yet broken. With mere minutes (or less!) left, they rushed back to this bag and began to solve for the end game.

If you don't remember (I know, it was 8 posts ago now!), the end game was to find the RAT that framed you. As the final clue card was a rat, it was reasonable to deduce that this bag would contain the rat.

The 8 small keys, numbered 1-8 in blacklight, matched up with the 8 locks on the hasp. As they were not keyed alike, the blacklight helped match the lock to key quickly, rather than trial and error with the keys.

This left one final lock, the letter lock.

As this was a 'time-turner round,' the steps they had taken previously were to be looked at through another light... the blacklight.

Each CLUE CARD they had collected throughout the game lit up under the black light. Each piece was a part of a bigger puzzle...

The image made up a time-turner.

The cards were designed in such a way that ALL cards had to be found to break the letter lock on the end game bag. The image was laid out to ensure that every single card had text that was needed to solve the four letter code.

The central band of the time-turner revealed a four digit number, but the lock was LETTERED.

The outer band of the time-turner read:

The four letter code translated to "VICI."

*Fun fact: I'm a nerd. I did not want the final lock to be a 'guess-able' word, but didn't want it to be gibberish either... so I chose VICI, the Latin word for "I conquered." Apt choice, don't you think?

Once this bag was opened, the game was over! The bag contained a toy rat.

The timer was set for 45 minutes at the beginning of the game. Only one of the three groups completed the game in this allotted time, but all groups were finished in under 52 minutes.

And that concludes the Escape from Wizard Prison Escape Room!


  1. Mind Blown :D this was so incredible and inspiring! You have some lucky friends!

  2. Incredible in detail, planning and execution. I bow to the master!


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