
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Chamber of Secrets Party: Decorations

The Chamber of Secrets party is officially over. It was another great birthday party for Little Tomato and her friends. I have already posted about the classes and hunt activities, so this is just a final post of the decorations we had set up for the party.

For the Classes, see THIS post.
For the Hunt, see THIS post.

Last year, Little Tomato had a 'Sorcerer's Stone' party, so this year she wanted a Chamber of Secrets birthday party. We still had the props from last year's birthday and the Horcrux Hunt party, so there weren't a lot of additional props that were made for this one.

Once again, we had the signpost outside to welcome the students...

* The post on how to make signage can be found HERE.

... And the entry to Platform 9-3/4...

* The brick wall self-closes behind each student, as I have sewn magnetic closures into the canvas curtain. Instructions on how to make the brick wall can be found HERE.

Our office was transformed into Diagon Alley again. This last year we built shelves in our office, so the room was laid out differently than the previous parties.

A potions section of Diagon Alley...

Since this party focused on Chamber of Secrets, I made a Howler party prop that was highlighted in the Owl Post section of the Diagon Alley. Little Tomato loved making it howl for her friends.

Also featured in the Owl Post was a lovely little OWL winged key that I was able to purchase from Worn Keys Emporium on Etsy. Jana is wildly talented - I was so excited when it arrived in time for the party. I kept it displayed on a high shelf with the packages so 'little eyes' could see it but 'little fingers' wouldn't accidentally damage it. 😉

And it wouldn't be Diagon Alley without Ollivanders!

Our dining room was the Great Hall, where it was noted that "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened..." on the wall. We had this prop at the Horcrux Hunt party as well. I had someone ask if we actually wrote on our wall. This was actually done by using clear contact paper. I used a red permanent marker and wrote the lettering on clear contact paper, which was then attached to the wall. Contact paper is similar to painter's tape in that it will not leave a residue or damage the surface it attaches to, so it is perfect for this kind of application! 

There was a Whomping Willow cupcake stand for this party, with the Ford Anglia...

We had the Gryffindor Common Room, which had a trunk of school supplies, and the message board of student events and announcements...

And finally, Honeydukes was open for business again!
The post on how to make the Bertie Botts display can be found HERE.

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