The clue card in the Common Room led back to the divination classroom.
During this second round of rooms, we played off of the idea of the time-turner. The players would be revisiting their past events, looking at them from another angle, and solving what they couldn't before. This could be achieved because they found a time-turner... and a blacklight flashlight. 😉
The "Unfogging the Future" book in the divination room has an eye in the center. This book was a book lockbox with a keyed lock that was opened with the silver key they obtained with the clue card.
Inside this box was a locked bag that had a bus on it. The lock was a five lettered lock.
During the last round of the divination room, they had completed a logic puzzle that provided a key to associate the divination balls with both letters AND numbers. They had used the numbers, but did not yet have a use for letters. The five numbers of the Knight Bus ticket, when translated into the associated letters of the logic puzzle, unlocked this lock. They just had to figure that out!
This second time in the divination classroom, the groups had a tool they did not have previously - a blacklight flashlight. When they saw the Knight Bus image, they immediately tried the flashlight on the bus ticket, but it did not yield any results.
We provided two separate hints to lead them to how to unlock the letter lock. While they could feasibly guess how to open it by finding only one of these hints, finding BOTH gave a clear picture of how to open the lock.
Hint #1: The Knight Bus jigsaw puzzle they assembled at the beginning of the game
The ticket was not blacklight reactive, but they did have the bus image in another location - the jigsaw puzzle they completed at the beginning of the game. Where the puzzle originally stated to 'Check Your Ticket,' the blacklight revealed a "#" after the text, changing it to read, "Check your Ticket #."The ticket number (16195), was five digits, but they were looking for a five LETTER code.
Hint #2: The clue card they were provided was also a clear ball with an eye in the middle.
There were six divination balls in the room. The logic puzzle only solved for the five COLORED balls. The sixth ball in the room was 'white'. It had not yet been used.As they shined the blacklight onto the divination balls, the non-colored ball was illuminated with a clue, a bus with the words, "Do I need to SPELL it out for you?"
They now knew to SPELL out their ticket number. A third more subtle hint was that the logic puzzle had an eye (that matched the divination ball clue card eye) at the top of the page. They key to changing the numbers to letters was the logic puzzle.
Inside the locked bag, they found:
A clue card of a shrunken head.
A sixth small key that matched the first five.
The shrunken head lead back to the dark arts alley... !