
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Escape from Wizard Prison Party: Escape Room Game, Part 4 Common Room

** For all Escape from Wizard Prison party posts, see the Escape from Wizard Prison section of the blog HERE**

The clues provided in the divination classroom led to the Common Room:

Inside the trunk, the group found four slips of paper. Each of them had a specific chess piece on the paper. They also found a locked bag with a four digit color-coded lock.

The chess card clue lead to the chess board. Only certain chess pieces were in play. Each chess square on the board had a number. When the chess pieces were more closely examined, they each had a colored dot on the underside of the pieces, in the colors blue, yellow, red, and green.

There were four digits to the lock and there were four cards that had chess pieces on them:
White King
Black Knight
White Rook
Black Pawn

There is only one white king on any chess board. However there were more than one of the other pieces on the game board in play.

This was a puzzle. The group needed to determine which pieces were the relevant pieces for the lock combination. The four digit color lock had only ONE of each color. The white king lead the way to solve the puzzle. As it was the only one on the board, that color on the lock had to be the the number of the square the king sat upon. Since that color was already taken, it could be ruled out for the other pieces... and so forth.

Once solved, this unlocked the bag in the trunk.

The bag contained:
ONE new clue card.
A fourth small key that matched the first three (not pictured).
A third piece of acetate with random letters on it, the exact same size of the first two.

The clue card was an octagon with a lion on it. There was a puzzle box in the room with three octagon dials on the top. The center dial of the puzzle box had a lion on it.

When overlapped, the three pieces of acetate combined gave the directions on how to open this puzzle box.

Once this puzzle box was opened, the game got really interesting...

... Wait for it...

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