
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Taking a Stab at Something New...

I get antsy when I haven't been creative. It is an itch that just festers when I haven't gotten my creative outlet filled. This last month has been busy with holiday festivities, making treats, decorating for the holidays, and a cleaning/ organizing binge.. but I haven't MADE anything for a while.

And I'm getting itchy.

I've never been shy to try new media. I've delved into books, blogs, Pinterest, and YouTube videos and taught myself to sew, knit and crochet. While I obtained a foundation of basic art classes in school, I somehow completely missed painting classes. And now I'm itching to paint.

My mother is a painter. She paints every Saturday and has made several paintings which we have framed in our home. When she asked what I wanted for Christmas this year, I asked for painting supplies. I'm going to dive in. 😁

I have this picture in my head of a painting that I want for my craft room, which is really just the extra bedroom in our house. It's walls are lined with mismatched dressers and wire shelving, buckling and brimming with books and craft supplies piled high in cardboard boxes. Glue guns, dowels, paint... yarn, fabric, and spools of thread. It isn't pretty, by any stretch of the word. It certainly isn't a Pinterest-worthy space. Nonetheless, it is where I get crafty and it needs some wall art, dammit! 😋

SO. Today I bought a cheap canvas from Hobby Lobby and sketched an outline. After the holiday weekend, I'll throw on some YouTube tutorials and take a whack at painting! Wish me luck... 😳

'Girl with a Glue Gun' in progress...